Shopping thoughts
Black Friday, people shopped. Their thoughts were focussed on the bargains to be had on gifts for loved ones. My thoughts, too, drifted to the bargains. I had tools to replace and some lights I wanted that went on sale.
…each of us can make a difference.
Small Business Saturday found people with a different set of shopping thoughts. I support small businesses near me all year in preference to the Big Box Stores and the online giants. But I went out Saturday to order a print for my living room. Later this week, I’ll make a trip to my local upholsterer to get a chair rebuilt Jane and I bought for our first apartment.
Cyber Monday grows every year–largely without me. But I understand the thoughts that drive the day. And I have a small personal stake in that Amazon sends some money our way every few months through the Amazon Smile program.
Giving thoughts
But today is Giving Tuesday–a day to move our thoughts beyond ourselves to the real needs of others. I’ll write a number of checks today–and not all of them will go to NET cancer groups, though that is a place I focus most of the year. There are homeless to house, hungry to feed, children who don’t have parents, students who need books, and a number of other rare diseases I’ve supported for decades.
…Amazon sends some money our way…
That said, though, NET cancer remains my lodestone. I’ve already written and mailed my checks to support the NET cancer program at Dana-Farber through the Walking with Jane Fund. That fund also supports the 3-in-3 Campaign as it heads into its final year. We are closing in on the $3 million goal we set for it. That money has earned us a new lab and greater support from the leadership at Dana-Farber.
NET giving thoughts
Today, I’ll send substantial checks to the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation and the NET Research Foundation. The first group does more for patient outreach and medical education than anyone–a job it has done for decades. The second focusses on funding research on a global scale. Both are worthy of your support.
…NET cancer remains my lodestone.
Historically, Walking with Jane’s focus has been supporting the NET cancer program at DFCI. We don’t yet take credit cards, so if you want to donate to us, you’ll need to print out a form and send us a check. Anything that comes in between now and January 1 will support my Marathon Walk or my PanMass Challenge ride in 2018. Officially, neither of those launches until January, but whatever I raise now for that will be matched up to a total of $7500.
Scholarship thoughts
Walking with Jane also funds five scholarships to students working to become science teachers or enter the medical professions. Each year, we present a four-year, $1000 a year scholarship to a graduating senior at Westport High School. The student is chosen by the science department there. We also present an annual $1000 scholarship to a student at Bridgewater State University, Jane’s alma mater. They have a committee that chooses the recipient.
Both are worthy of your support.
I’d like to do more than that. A $1000 today is not a huge chunk of money. If enough people made enough donations earmarked for scholarships, I’d increase the size of scholarships we give. My own finances are stretched as far as they can go.
Think–and give–regionally
There are a number of other NET cancer foundations working regionally to support NET cancer programs near them. I’m know every regional NCI cancer program that has a NET cancer program in it could do with your support as well. The truth is every NET cancer research program is hungry for the money to fund their research. Things are better than they were 10 years ago, but that doesn’t mean they are good. We still have too little money to fund the research we have to have if we are going to fund a cure. Another good NET cancer foundation to give to is The Healing NET Foundation. They have a $1000 match going today.
I’d like to do more…
Please, wherever you are, do what you can. It’s Giving Tuesday and each of us can make a difference.