Spreading firsthand experience
walkingwithjane.org will publish a first-person piece from a NET cancer patient about her experience with liver chemoembolization in the next couple of weeks. I’m also in the process of writing a more general piece on the embolization process.
…getting your story out to a broader audience.
But that got me thinking: We have a lot of new and not-so-new treatments, procedures and trials going on that most people don’t know a lot about. It’s one thing to read a piece written in scientific language and quite another to read something by someone who has actually experienced it firsthand. I’m pretty sure there are few, if any, doctors or researchers who have taken CAP/TEM or had a liver ablation done on them.
Your experience
What I’d like to do is a series of pieces, either written by patients or based on interviews with them, about things like liver embolization and what their experience was with that procedure. As I said we have a piece coming on the chemo form of that, but pieces on bland and radioembolization experiences would be good–and valuable–to have.
…few, if any, doctors or researchers…have…had a liver ablation done on them.
The object here is to demystify the process so that patients dealing with similar choices have actual patient experiences to help them unravel what they are about to experience.
A call for writers and subjects
This is basically a call for people to write about their experiences with various treatments and procedures, as well as ideas about what you’d like to see covered.
The object here is to demystify the process…
Or you could volunteer to be interviewed by me about a specific procedure or drug you’ve experienced if you don’t want to write about it yourself.
Thoughts on starting points
Four things immediately leap out at me as clearly being of interest: bland and radioembolization, PRRT, Gallium-68 scans, and CAP/TEM–which is in trials in the US but appears to be in use in Europe more broadly. Liver ablation therapy is another possibility, though I have seen fewer patients talking about it online. If you have experience with any of these–or some other form of therapy or testing–Walking with Jane is certainly interested in getting your story out to a broader audience.
…a call for people to write about their experiences…
If you have other things you’d like to write about–or things you’d like to see written about here–don’t hesitate to suggest them. And if privacy is a concern, we can certainly take steps to keep you anonymous. Please contact us at walkingwithjane@gmail.com if you’d like to do either one.