A pair of tragedies

As I write this, I am on my way to Seattle. Yesterday afternoon, I got an email from my sister that her daughter had died. This morning, I got a call from one of my brothers to tell me my father had a significant stroke last night and was in an induced coma. He had a second MRI this morning.

The results of that MRI showed a continuing and massive bleed in my father’s brain that will prove fatal in the very near term. I decided at that point not to delay going west until later tonight or early tomorrow and arranged to catch the first available flight that  would get me to Seattle quickly.

I talked with my brother again on my way into Boston. He told me he had spoken with a neurologist, who concurred with the original prognosis but said he thought there was a better chance I might get there before my father dies than the first doctor said. We’ll see. But I do not want them keeping his body going just so I can get there.
I am not sure at this point how long I will be on this pilgrimage nor when I will be able to take up my work on cancer and other things again. I will do what research and writing I can, but this may be my last post for a couple of weeks while I deal with these two blows.  This week is another reminder of how fleeting our time on this earth is—and how important it is to make good use of the time we are given. I will be back.
Be well, all of you.
Pax et lux,


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